(Arabic, English and French). The malhun poem "Shemaa" (18th c.) transcribed in Arabic script with English and French translations
The Moroccan Arabic malhun poem: "Shemaa”
Mohamed Echarif Ben Ali, Ould Arzin (1742-1822)
Transcribed in Arabic script and translated into English and French
With a concise introduction in French
Mohamed Elmedlaoui (at August, 16 2022)
انقر على الرابط للولوج إلى النص الكامل
Cliquer sur le lien pour le texte integral en PDF
Click on the link for a PDF full text
Some other previously transcribed and translated malhun poems with a sketched introduction to the malhun poetic genre:
1 Hamman Story poem قصة حمّان
2 Naker Lehsan poem ناكر الحسان
3 Malika poem ماليكة
4 “Fatma the Gazelle” poem الغزال فاطمة
5 "Two girls : a traditionalist and a modernist" poem الزمنية والعصرية
6 “The Cupbearer” الســاقي
Mohamed Elmedlaoui 16-08-2022 محمد المدلاوي
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