
(IN ENGLISH) The Berber-Jews 'ahwash' singing ceremony

The ‘Ahwash’ Berber Singing Ceremony Shift from Morocco to Israel. An ethno musicological Approach”.


Mohamed Elmedlaoui & Sigal Azaryahu.



For a Hebrew version translated from a French version by  Dahan Center, click on the following link:




This paper is a survey of the complex dynamics of change and/or conservation within the traditional Berber musical genre of dancing songs, called Ahwash, as this musical genre is still performed in Morocco and among certain Moroccan Berber-Jewish communities emigrated to Israel in the mid 1950’s and early 1960’s. The conclusion is that while this musical genre is nowadays undergoing substantial formal and functional changes in its homeland, Morocco, giving rise, on the melodic and rhythmic levels, to a kind of  ‘new ahwash’, as opposed to the amrg aqqdim ("old [Tashlhiyt Berber] music") in general, the ahwash ceremony in Israel was frozen by the performers on those levels where it was during the 50’s, and the 60’s of the 20th century. Therefore we are witnessing in Israel an ahwash aqqdim ("old ahwash"), at least as concerns its repertories of lyrics and melodies. Some changes have affected however certain external aspects and some ethno musicological functional dimensions in the Israeli ahwash. For example: some participants’ dressing mode (men in particular), place of performing (indoors instead of outdoors), the weakening of the dimension of gender in roles assignment, etc.[1]. The term ‘Berber-Jews’, for the targeted community, is here but a convenient cover for making short. For a discussion of some controversial concepts such as ‘Berber Jews’, ‘Jewish Berbers’ or ‘Berber speaking Jews’, see Elmedlaoui 2013


The full text of the English version is to be found in Etudes et Document Berbère (Paris). http://www.berberemultimedia.fr/etudes_docum/etudetdocs.htm under the title:

Elmedlaoui, Mohamed and Sigal Azaryahu (2014). “The Ahwash Berber Singing Ceremony Shift from Morocco to Israel; an Ethno-musicological Approach”. Etudes et Documents Berbères; Paris. N° 33 / 2014. Pp. 171-186.



The English version's sections

- Defintion of ‘ahwash’.

- Religious and lay matters in an ahwash session.

- Ahwash among Jews

- Identity features in an ahwash poetic competition.

- Ahwash survival in certain Israeli localities

- Ahwash as performed  nowadays among Berber-Jews in Israel

- Background  of a reserch field

- Conclusion and future prospects




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[1] The first version of this paper remained as a ms. since 2008. That version was conceived as a contribution to a call for papers for a volume publishing project by Vanessa Paloma. It is substantially updated here by one of the two authors (M. Elmedlaoui). I (M. Elmedlaoui) thank my colleagues, François Dell (CNRS - Paris) and Aberrahmane Lakhsassi (Université Mohammed V-Agdal, Rabat), for their respective thorough reviewing and remarks. I thank also my colleague Mohammed Laamiri (Université Mohammed 1ier, Oujda) for having thoroughly reviewed my English. Any eventual persisting shortcomings remain however mine.

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