
(In English) Berber cultural claim, Identity and Citizenship in the 21st Century Morocco

Berber cultural claim, Identity and Citizenship in the 21st Century Morocco


A research proposal


Mohamed Elmedlaoui

IURS / Mohammed V University of Rabat

The following research proposal has been submitted, on mid December 2018, to the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies in response to a call issued by the Center for application for a stipendiary scholarship.
The proposal was submitted within the topic: “Identity and citizenship” of the The Imam Bukhari and The Imam Tirmizi Visiting Research Fellowship program. It has been supported by three international referees’ recommendations sent directly to the Center.
Informed on February 22 2019 by the Academic Administrator that the application had not been successful, I find it now useful to share a PDF copy the text of the proposal, here through the following link:
 Mohamed Elmedlaoui

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